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We publish monthly, 12 times a year, and are distributed throughout the three northwestern states of Washington, Oregon, and North Idaho. The publication is advertiser supported and is provided free to all golfers, public and private. Inside Golf Newspaper is the oldest regional golf publication in the Northwest (since May 1988) and has long been the main source for regional golf news and advertiser information.
Our primary distribution is through golf courses (public and private) and driving ranges. It is also available at significant discount outlets. Because it is free to all golfers (local and visiting) and distributed at the counter level, it is reaching the golfer who is actually playing the game today—the active players rather than the passive armchair types.
The demographics of our publication follow the description of golfers in general—higher incomes and education, more apt to be managers or business owners, and are more traveled than the average American. The age group of our readership is between 30 and 65 with approximately 30% being female. (Source – The National Golf Foundation) Distribution is 10,000 per month. The deadline for insertion is the 15th of each month (exceptions by prior arrangements). Editorial deadline is the 10th of the month.
To discuss the many advertising opportunities available in Inside Golf Newspaper and on Inside Golf Online, please feel free to contact:
Bob Marlatt – Publisher
Steve Turcotte Editor/Advertising